450 matching packages found. Page 1 of 5.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any Extra arch-signoff 0.5.2-4 Sign off Arch Linux testing packages 2024-04-27
any Extra bats 1.11.0-2 Bash Automated Testing System 2024-03-31
any Extra bats-support 0.3.0-5 Supporting library for Bats test helpers 2023-12-18
x86_64 Extra boost-libs 1.83.0-6 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (runtime libraries) 2024-04-27 2023-12-14
x86_64 Core brotli-testdata 1.1.0-2 Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm - test data 2024-04-27
any Extra busted 2.2.0-1 Elegant Lua unit testing (CLI) 2023-11-06
x86_64 Extra capnproto 1.0.2-1 Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC system 2024-02-22
x86_64 Extra cargo-hack 0.6.28-1 A cargo subcommand to provide various options useful for testing and CI 2024-04-17
x86_64 Extra cargo-insta 1.38.0-1 Cargo plugin for snapshot testing in Rust 2024-03-28
x86_64 Extra cargo-nextest 0.9.70-1 A next-generation test runner for Rust. 2024-04-25
x86_64 Extra cargo-tarpaulin 0.28.0-1 Tool to analyse test coverage of cargo projects 2024-04-13
x86_64 Extra catch2 3.5.3-1 Modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD 2024-03-09
any Extra catch2-v2 2.13.10-2 Modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD 2024-01-05
x86_64 Extra check 0.15.2-2 A unit testing framework for C 2020-10-02
x86_64 Extra check-docs 0.15.2-2 A unit testing framework for C (documentation) 2020-10-02
any Extra checksec 2.6.0-1 Tool designed to test which standard Linux OS and PaX security features are being used 2023-05-19 2024-04-21
any Extra cl-fiveam 1.4.2.r12.ge11dee7-2 A regression testing framework for Common Lisp 2023-05-19
any Extra cl-hu-dwim-stefil r257.g7a17248-2 A simple test framework in Common Lisp 2023-05-19
any Extra cl-lift 1.7.1.r47.ge08e84e-3 The LIsp Framework for Testing 2023-05-19
any Extra cl-rt 1990.12.19.r19.ga6a7503-2 Common Lisp regression tester from MIT 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra cmocka 1.1.7-1 Elegant unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects 2023-05-25
x86_64 Extra cppunit 1.15.1-3 A C++ unit testing framework 2022-05-21
x86_64 Extra cpputest 4.0-4 Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++ 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra critest 1.29.0-1 A benchmarking CLI for CRI-compatible container runtimes 2023-12-13
x86_64 Extra cross 0.2.5-1 'Zero setup' cross compilation and 'cross testing' of Rust crates 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra cunit 2.1.3-3 A Unit Testing Framework for C 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra cycfx2prog 0.47-4 CycFX2Prog is a small and useful tool to program the FX2 and do basic enpoint communication for testing purposes 2023-05-19
any Extra dejagnu 1.6.3-8 Framework for testing other programs 2024-02-04
any Extra doctest 2.4.9-2 The lightest feature rich C++ single header testing framework 2023-10-10
x86_64 Extra dontpanic 1.02-2 libdontpanic - used for testing Alien::Base 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra dsniff 2.4b1-33 Collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing 2023-11-04 2023-10-24
x86_64 Extra echoping 6.0.2-12 tests performance of a remote host by sending HTTP, TCP and UDP requests 2023-05-19
any Extra electron 1:30-1 Meta package providing the latest available stable Electron build 2024-04-16
any Extra eslint_d 13.1.2-1 Makes eslint the fastest linter on the planet. 2024-03-14
x86_64 Extra evtest 1.35-1 Input device event monitor and query tool 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra findomain 9.0.4-1 The fastest and cross-platform subdomain enumerator, do not waste your time 2023-12-07
x86_64 Extra fio 3.37-1 Scriptable I/O tool for storage benchmarks and drive testing 2024-03-27
x86_64 Extra ghc-libs 9.2.8-1 The Glasgow Haskell Compiler - Dynamic Libraries 2024-03-05 2024-03-07
x86_64 Extra gnome-sudoku 46.0-1 Test your logic skills in this number grid puzzle 2024-03-23
x86_64 Extra gtest 1.14.0-1 Google Test - C++ testing utility 2023-09-16
x86_64 Extra haskell-attoparsec 0.14.4-74 Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-base16-bytestring RFC 4648-compliant Base16 encodings for ByteStrings 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-base64-bytestring Fast base64 encoding and decoding for ByteStrings 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-binary-parser An efficient but limited parser API specialised to bytestrings 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-bsb-http-chunked Chunked HTTP transfer encoding for bytestring builders 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-bytestring-encoding ByteString ↔ Text converter based on GHC.IO.Encoding 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-bytestring-handle ByteString-backed Handles 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-bytestring-progress 1.4-48 A library for tracking the consumption of a lazy ByteString 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-bytestring-strict-builder An efficient strict bytestring builder 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-bytestring-to-vector Convert between ByteString and Vector.Storable without copying 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-bytestring-tree-builder A very efficient ByteString builder implementation based on the binary tree 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-cabal-doctest 1.0.9-2 A Setup.hs helper for running doctests 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra haskell-chasingbottoms For testing partial and infinite values 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-chell A simple and intuitive library for automated testing 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-chell-quickcheck QuickCheck support for the Chell testing library 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-conversion-bytestring Conversion instances for the bytestring library 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra haskell-crypto-api-tests 0.3-255 A test framework and KATs for cryptographic operations. 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-digest Various hashes for bytestrings; CRC32 and Adler32 for now 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra haskell-doctest 0.20.1-78 Test interactive Haskell examples 2024-04-23 2023-10-11
x86_64 Extra haskell-doctest-discover Easy way to run doctests via cabal 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-doctest-driver-gen Generate driver file for doctest's cabal integration 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-doctest-exitcode-stdio 0.0-136 Run doctest's in a Cabal.Test.exitcode-stdio environment 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-doctest-lib 0.1.1-17 Parts of doctest exposed as library 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-doctest-parallel 0.3.1-7 Test interactive Haskell examples 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-filepath-bytestring Library for manipulating RawFilePaths in a cross platform way 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-genvalidity Testing utilities for the validity library 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-ghcide-test-utils Test utils for ghcide 2024-04-23 2023-11-14
x86_64 Extra haskell-hedgehog 1.2-18 A modern property-based testing system 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-hls-test-utils Utilities used in the tests of Haskell Language Server 2024-04-23 2023-11-14
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec 2.10.9-108 A Testing Framework for Haskell 2024-04-23 2023-07-04
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-attoparsec Utility functions for testing your attoparsec parsers with hspec 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-core 2.10.9-97 A Testing Framework for Haskell 2024-04-23 2023-06-27
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-discover 2.10.9-51 Automatically discover and run Hspec tests 2024-04-23 2023-10-11
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-golden Golden tests for hspec. 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-megaparsec 2.2.1-2 Utility functions for testing Megaparsec parsers with Hspec 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-meta 2.10.5-128 A version of Hspec which is used to test Hspec itself 2024-04-23 2023-10-11
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-smallcheck 0.5.3-42 SmallCheck support for the Hspec testing framework 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-wai 0.11.1-416 Experimental Hspec support for testing WAI applications 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-wai-json 0.11.0-478 Testing JSON APIs with hspec-wai 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-htf The Haskell Test Framework 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-hunit A unit testing framework for Haskell 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-inspection-testing GHC plugin to do inspection testing 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra haskell-lazysmallcheck 0.6-5 A library for demand-driven testing of Haskell programs 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra haskell-leancheck 1.0.2-2 Enumerative property-based testing 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra haskell-lsp-test Functional test framework for LSP servers. 2024-04-23 2023-11-14
x86_64 Extra haskell-lsp-test0.14.0 Functional test framework for LSP servers. 2024-04-23 2023-11-14
x86_64 Extra haskell-microlens-ghc microlens + array, bytestring, containers, transformers 2024-04-26
x86_64 Extra haskell-microspec A tiny, property-based (and unit) testing library with minimal dependencies 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-mockery 0.3.5-610 Support functions for automated testing 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-persistent-test Tests for Persistent 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-pretty-hex 1.1-10 A library for hex dumps of ByteStrings 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra haskell-quickcheck 2.14.3-64 Automatic testing of Haskell programs 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-quickcheck-unicode Generator and shrink functions for testing Unicode-related software. 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-random-bytestring 0.1.4-86 Efficient generation of random bytestrings 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-readable 0.3.1-20 Reading from Text and ByteString 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra haskell-smallcheck A property-based testing library 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-storablevector Fast, packed, strict storable arrays with a list interface like ByteString 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-string-interpolate Haskell string/text/bytestring interpolation that just works 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-string-qq 0.0.6-3 QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings. 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra haskell-stringsearch Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings 2024-03-05

450 matching packages found. Page 1 of 5.

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