1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra task 3.0.2-1 Taskwarrior, a command-line todo list manager 2024-04-23

53 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra alure 1.2-10 Utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications. 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra buho 3.1.0-1 Task and note keeper 2024-02-25
x86_64 Extra cargo-make 0.37.12-1 Rust task runner and build tool 2024-05-04
x86_64 Extra endeavour 43.0-3 Personal task manager (Formerly GNOME Todo) 2024-03-23
x86_64 Extra evolution-data-server 3.52.2-1 Unified contacts, tasks and calendar backend 2024-05-24
x86_64 Extra evolution-data-server-docs 3.52.2-1 Unified contacts, tasks and calendar backend - documentation 2024-05-24
any Extra fabric 3.2.2-2 Python library and command-line tool designed to streamline deploying applications or performing system administration tasks via the SSH protocol 2024-04-27
x86_64 Extra glob2 An innovative Real-Time Strategy game which reduces micro-management by automatically assigning tasks to units 2023-09-02
x86_64 Extra go-task 3.31.0-3 A task runner written in Go 2023-11-29 2024-03-05
x86_64 Extra kcron 24.05.0-1 Configure and schedule tasks 2024-05-25
x86_64 Extra libedataserverui4 3.52.2-1 Unified contacts, tasks and calendar backend - GTK 4 UI library 2024-05-24
x86_64 Extra libmediaart 1.9.6-2 Library tasked with managing, extracting and handling media art caches 2023-05-30
x86_64 Extra libwnck3 43.0-3 Library to manage X windows and workspaces (via pagers, tasklists, etc.) 2022-11-15
any Extra lua-stdlib 41.2.2-8 Library of modules for common programming tasks 2023-05-19
any Extra lua51-stdlib 41.2.2-8 Library of modules for common programming tasks 2023-05-19
any Extra lua52-stdlib 41.2.2-8 Library of modules for common programming tasks 2023-05-19
any Extra lua53-stdlib 41.2.2-8 Library of modules for common programming tasks 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra lxtask 0.1.10-2 Task manager of the LXDE Desktop 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra lxtask-gtk3 0.1.10-2 Task manager of the LXDE Desktop (GTK+ 3 version) 2023-05-19
any Extra mkinitcpio-utils 0.0.4-1 Collection of Archlinux mkinitcpio utilities performing various tasks 2023-05-19
any Extra nextcloud-app-tasks 0.16.0-1 Enhanced task app for NextCloud 2024-05-20
x86_64 Extra nomad-driver-containerd 0.9.4-1 A nomad taskdriver for containerd containers 2023-05-22
x86_64 Extra nomad-driver-lxc 0.3.0-3 A nomad taskdriver for lxc containers 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra nomad-driver-nspawn 0.10.0-1 A nomad taskdriver for systemd-nspawn 2023-07-07
x86_64 Extra nomad-driver-podman 0.5.2-1 A nomad taskdriver for podman containers 2024-03-13
x86_64 Extra pantheon-tasks 6.3.2-2 The Pantheon tasks 2024-03-23
x86_64 Extra percona-toolkit 3.5.7-1 Collection of advanced command-line tools to perform a variety of MySQL and system tasks. 2023-12-24
any Extra perl-poe 1.370-1 portable multitasking and networking framework for Perl 2023-05-19
any Extra perl-task-weaken 1.06-6 Ensure that a platform has weaken support 2023-08-07
any Extra python-celery 5.3.6-1.0 Distributed Asynchronous Task Queue 2024-04-27
any Extra python-cli_helpers 2.3.1-2 Python helpers for common CLI tasks 2024-04-27
any Extra python-dask 2024.4.1-2 Parallel computing with task scheduling 2024-04-27
x86_64 Extra python-distributed 2024.4.1-2 Distributed task scheduler for Dask 2024-04-27
any Extra python-django-q 1.3.9-9 A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django 2024-05-16
any Extra python-doit 0.36.0-6 A task management and automation tool 2024-04-27
any Extra python-doit-py 0.5.0-8 doit tasks for python stuff 2024-04-27
any Extra python-invoke 2.2.0-2 Pythonic task execution 2024-04-27
any Extra python-pyct 0.5.0-3 Python packaging Common Tasks 2024-04-27
any Extra python-tasklib 2.5.1-3 Python library for interacting with taskwarrior databases 2024-04-27
any Extra rocm-cmake 6.0.2-1 CMake modules for common build tasks needed for the ROCm software stack 2024-03-20
any Extra ruby-bake-bundler 0.3.5-1 Provides bake tasks for releasing gems using bundler 2023-05-19
any Extra ruby-rake-compiler 1.2.5-1 Rake-based Ruby Extension (C, Java) task generator 2023-12-26 2024-02-12
any Extra ruby-rubygems-tasks 0.2.6-1 Agnostic and unobtrusive Rake tasks for managing and releasing Ruby Gems 2023-09-16
x86_64 Extra task 3.0.2-1 Taskwarrior, a command-line todo list manager 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra taskd 1.1.0-6 A lightweight, secure server providing multi-user, multi-client access to task data 2023-06-03
x86_64 Extra taskell 1.11.4-434 A command-line kanban board/task manager 2024-05-23
x86_64 Extra taskwarrior-tui 0.26.3-1 A terminal user interface for taskwarrior 2024-05-12
any Extra texlive-latexextra 2024.2-1 TeX Live - LaTeX additional packages 2024-04-15
x86_64 Extra tint2 17.0.2-4 Basic, good-looking task manager for WMs 2024-04-09
any Extra todoman 4.4.0-3 A simple, standards-based, cli todo (aka: task) manager 2024-04-27
any Extra vit 2.3.2-1 Terminal interface for Taskwarrior with Vim key bindings and colorization 2024-05-04
any Extra xdg-utils 1.2.1-1 Command line tools that assist applications with a variety of desktop integration tasks 2024-02-06 2024-05-25
x86_64 Extra xfce4-taskmanager 1.5.7-1 Easy to use task manager 2024-02-29

53 matching packages found.

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