1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra docker 1:26.1.0-1 Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container 2024-04-23

18 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra bashbrew 0.1.12-1 Canonical build tool for Docker official images 2024-03-27
x86_64 Extra container-diff 0.19.0-1 Diff your Docker containers 2024-03-27
x86_64 Extra dive 0.12.0-1 A tool for exploring layers in a docker image 2024-02-04
x86_64 Extra docker 1:26.1.0-1 Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra docker-buildx 0.14.0-1 Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with BuildKit 2024-04-19
x86_64 Extra docker-compose 2.27.0-1 Fast, isolated development environments using Docker 2024-04-25
x86_64 Extra docker-machine 0.16.2-5 Machine management for a container-centric world 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra docker-scan 0.26.0-1 Docker Scan is a Command Line Interface to run vulnerability detection on your Dockerfiles and Docker images 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra drone-runner-docker 1.8.3-1 Drone pipeline runner that executes builds inside Docker containers 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra kompose 1.32.0-1 Docker compose to Kubernetes transformation tool 2024-04-07
x86_64 Extra nerdctl 1.7.5-1 Docker-compatible CLI for containerd 2024-03-23
any Extra podman-compose 1.1.0-1 A script to run docker-compose.yml using podman 2024-04-23
any Extra-Testing podman-compose 1.1.0-2 A script to run docker-compose.yml using podman 2024-04-23
x86_64 Extra podman-docker 5.0.2-1 Emulate Docker CLI using podman 2024-04-18
any Extra python-docker 7.0.0-1 A Python library for the Docker Engine API 2023-12-08
any Extra-Testing python-docker 7.0.0-2 A Python library for the Docker Engine API 2024-04-21
any Extra python-dockerpty 0.4.1-10 Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container 2023-05-19
any Extra-Testing python-dockerpty 0.4.1-11 Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container 2024-04-21

18 matching packages found.

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